Ving Tsun Kung Fu, also known as Wing Chun Kung Fu

Philipp Bayer and Wong Shun Leung

Ving Tsun includes everything that you need for fighting. The system doesn't require any special acrobatic skills, but pursues the goal of immobilising and putting the enemy out of action in a simple manner and short period of time."
- Philipp Bayer

What is Ving Tsun?

Ving Tsun does not require brute strength. Relying on the dynamics of body structure, Ving Tsun deals with attackers in practical and efficient terms, giving the practitioner the power, speed and skill to incapacitate the opponent(s) in the least amount of time possible. Our Ving Tsun Kung Fu is based on Philipp Bayer's teaching method, based on Wong Shun Leung's curriculum developed from Ip Man's Hong Kong Style.

Ving Tsun and Wing Chun are the same

Ving Tsun is the phonetic spelling of the Chinese Characters for "Eternal" and "Springtime". Named after the first student of Wing Chun, Yim Wing Chun. Ving Tsun can be pronounced Wing Chun which is easier said for native English speakers. Regardless of the names spelling or meaning, the true heart of Ving Tsun Kung Fu is its purpose to be the most effiecient form of combat.

The True Human Design

Ving Tsun's goals are achieved through continual practice and repetition of isolation and core drills (ie. Chi Sao & Lap Sao) and checking them with energy exchange or partner drills (Poon Sao & Gor Sao). Additionally strength training and endurance/cardio training is recommended.

Philipp Bayer and Wong Shun Leung

Prepare yourself for the reality of Ving Tsun

Ving Tsun is designed to be a fighting system. You will punch and be punched. That is to say, you will have to get past your fear of punching someone (this is a thing) and you will have to accept that you will have to be hit by someone. There is no nice way to approach a system designed to teach you how to defend yourself in this way. We have to accept and sacrifice our bodies for this purpose. This doesn't mean we punch with 100% intensity, often a tap will do. Force exchange is key to give eachother real energy, if you don't then you are not preparing yourself for reality, for someone who won't hold back. Will you ever have to use this in a real fight? No one can say, but it is better to be prepared to fight, then not.

Your training partner is your brother or sister your family

We have to respect our training partners, they are sacrificing their time and their physical being in order to help us learn, your Si-hings will have spent countless hours enduring physical wounds such as bruises, scrapes and cuts, and in extreme and rare cases broken bones. Be good to eachother and treat eachother with respect, take the drill as far as it needs to go to learn the lesson, but no further. Remember, bullying is not tolerated. We are all here to learn.

The philosophy behind this solid fighting system is taking all aspects of fighting into consideration; balance, simultaneity, timing, feeling for distance and assertiveness. The main aim is to quickly end a fight in the most economic, effective and dynamic way. The unique training of Ving Tsun provides methods to improve the reaction and functional fighting power. Ving Tsun is based on reasonable and explainable scientific knowledge at any given time.
- Philipp Bayer

Next: Ving Tsun Training Regimen